Weekly digest 10
Sunday, September 15, 2024Tomorrow I go back to work after probably the longest break I will have from now until I retire (summer break + parental leave). It's going to be tough, but helped by the fact I am going back part-time to make it possible to juggle my parenting and teaching responsibilities. Getting ready to go back has been difficult too, as we've had an IT migration, so there have been issues with getting to know the new system and also losing access to software that was previously integral to my teaching — hopefully I can sort all this out with IT once I get back to work.
Clothes: A Daily Thread by Patrick Rhone. Patrick has been posting a daily series of reflections on his relationship with clothes.
I have finished This Life (finally... I've had a lot on, okay?). I'll do a follow-up post. In fact, I may do a whole series deep-diving into some of the arguments.
Only Connect is back, babyyy
On this site
- Never click through to anything that might improve your life
- I added tinylytics to this site. I have avoided adding any analytics to this site for two reasons. The first is respecting user privacy, which would concern me about going with certain large platforms for analytics. Tinylytics respects visitor privacy. The second is I worry it would influence me to worry about hits. We'll see how that goes.